Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

палюбэ (+)

Автор: Филипп
Дата: 01.02.10, @03:42

  мы очень далеки от рельной информации и можем только в меру фантазии строить теории заговора

на форуме буржуйском весело обсуждают

"Very interesting background info. I was watching a press conference given by the deceased's brother, and I could swear that he was attempting to suppress his American accent (ie. to distance himself from the (in)famous Rockefellers)."

"Yes I said to my husband just before - what sort of accent is that the brother has and he said Yes it is strange , maybe its Canadian he thought.
As you say I think he was trying to sound as Australian as he could . He failed."

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