Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Re: Все уже посмотрели?

Автор: BFG
< >

Дата: 29.03.00, @12:31

  ` Во первых не резали, а замазали (чтобы получить R-rating). Во-вторых это так
` давно было известно еще при выходе фильма в кинопрокат. В третьих таких
` замазок там всего на полторы минуты, причем все в одной и той же сцене. В
` четвертых, даже в таком виде он _намного_ лучше чем American Beauty. Мои
` сожаления ее любителям

Разница в версиях:

To avoid an NC-17 rating, the orgy scene was partially censored

in the American release with the placement of

computer-generated objects and characters in front of the more

sexually explicit details. Non-USA theatrical releases are

generally uncut.

All British prints are missing the recitation of a passage from the

Bhagavad Gita (the holiest Hindu book) during an orgy scene.

Warner Brothers cut this before release of the film due to

protests from Hindu organizations.

In most non-english language versions translated copies of the

letter Dr. Harford recieves when returning to the front gate of the

house with the "forbidden party" and of the newspaper article

about the ex-Miss N.Y., Marion, were shot and replaced the

original english text.

The original theatrical version included a goof in an early scene

(a boom operator was reflected on a steel shower stall post in

Victor Ziegler's bathroom): this has been digitally removed on

the home video releases.

In the DVD/Video version, when Nicole Kidman gives her

monologue about yearning for the Naval Officer, she mouths the

words "We made love." But the words "You and I made love,"

are heard. This was done to clear up the confusion about whom

she actually made love to.

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