Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

эээ, мы о чем? хорошо ли Эберт или есть ли трагичность? :) (-)

Автор: Филипп
Дата: 11.11.08, @22:50

  ' Он и кинокритик-то, так себе. Голодать уж точно не будут.
' Короче, время покажет.
' So here's the bottom line, kids. The United States is probably going to go broke during your lifetimes. Actually, it's already broke, but getting deeper into debt allows it to keep running on thin air, like the Road Runner. My advice? Learn Chinese. Start savings accounts. Don't buy what you can't afford. Any politician who tries to win votes by promising to cut taxes is digging our country's grave.

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