Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Филипп
Дата: 08.11.08, @20:58


The Human Impact of the Great Depression

один из импактов

Starvation and Illness


Wretched men, including veterans, looked for work, hawked apples on sidewalks, dined in soup kitchens, passed the time in shantytowns dubbed "Hoovervilles," and some moved between them in railroad boxcars. It was a desperate time for families, starvation stalked the land, and a great drought ruined numerous farms, forcing mass migration.

не было голода, не было... была депрессия, но голода не было...
почитали бы Стейнбека, чтоль...

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