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А вот интересное от футболиста Каладзе... а вы говорите Саркози;) (англ. внутри)

Автор: SL

Дата: 02.09.08, @12:17

  Старый мафиозо всё решал

Milan defender Kaladze, a Georgian who personally asked Italian PM Berlusconi to help, has revealed that it was the Rossoneri owner who was responsible for stopping the war.

"The world does not know it, but it was Silvio Berlusconi who stopped the war in Georgia. For this reason I thank him," Kaladze revealed to ANSA.

"Berlusconi has always been very close to the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

"The two of them are very good friends. It was his intervention to stop the war between Georgia and Russia. I know that the Italiam premier spent over five hours on the phone with Putin to try to stop this delicate situation.

“Even during this occasion, President Berlusconi proved to be a sensible and capable person in the diplomatic relationships, a real ambassador of peace who I will never stop thanking."

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