Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Эх, камрад Goblin, немного не ту тебе книжку прислали :( [+]

Автор: Raindog

Дата: 05.07.08, @00:54

  Надо было эту брать: http://www.amazon.com/Sopranos-Book-Complete-Collectors-HBO/dp/1933821183/

Она толще на 35 страниц:

The new version contains more pictures, including a 4-page foldout copy of Annie Leibovitz's "Last Supper" photo, the section on the end of the therapy, a section on the killing-off of characters (notably, Adriana), the aforementioned section on marketing, the interview with Chase, the "who's who" list, the location map, and the final episode summaries.

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