Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Удивительно, что фамилия русского не Задротов :) (-)

Автор: menedzher
<menedzher @ mail. ru>

Дата: 06.02.08, @12:46

  ' A Russian man who claims to be in possession of Hitler's mummified penis wants to put it up for sale.
' Ivan Zudropov says he's prepared to allow a DNA test on it to confirm its origins.
' Mr Zudropov claims his father, Vasiliy, was a Red Army soldier who saw action in Berlin and was one of the troops who was first into the Nazi's command bunker, where he found Hitler's body.
' Mr Zudropov said the Russian soldiers had stripped the body of clothing, then kicked and punched it before hacking it up, and that his dad had decided to keep a piece as a souvenir. He told the Express Gazeta daily: "My father wanted to take a souvenir from Hitler. He first wanted to cut off his head, but later he decided to cut off his penis."
' He said he now wanted to sell the bizarre family heirloom for £12 000. He added that the mummified penis was just 6.35 centimetres long.
' http://mustt.livejournal.com/988621.html

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