Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Большая радость? ;-) (-)

Автор: Sergio

Дата: 02.11.00, @15:23

  `Updated word on Leon repressing
`Well, finally, some news on that Leon repressing from Columbia due to a faulty 5.1 soundtrack on the original release. The disc has been repressed and shipped out to retailers. How to tell the different versions? The old ID number was 04730, and the new ID is 06196. Another identifying feature of the new version is the back packaging description of the audio formats. The new version lists English 2-channel, and a "newly created English 5.1." Also, the "Not Rated" label on the bottom of the back is also gone from the new version (odd, but true.) Hope this helps, and if you have the old version, return it to the point of purchase to exchange it for the corrected edition.

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