Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

PS3 Blu Ray vs Xbox 360 HD DVD vs DVD (+)

Автор: GAS

Дата: 31.12.06, @15:21

  Overall this test was to see what next gen game system player is superior, and based on these tests, I would have to say that the 360 add on is the clear winner. Movies on the Blu Ray do look great, but with color levels that are more even allowing for greater levels of clarity, HD DVD just looks better, even over component cables.

When it comes to the format war, I would prefer the winner to be HD DVD, as I feel that they have more of an understanding of what consumers (and movie geeks) are looking for in a "next gen" format. I respect that Blu Ray looks and sounds great, but to me HD DVD feels more next gen with not only the great picture and sound, but also things like IME and U Control. Sony's half assed attempt to match this with the shoddy Blu Wizard almost feels like a joke, and I am almost insulted as a hardcore movie fan.

If you have a PS3, I would hesitate before buying the 360 add-on, but only for a second. If you are a movie fan, then you owe it to yourself to check out the other side and make your own decision on who you are going to back in the war.


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