Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Гы... Билли подобрел;))

Автор: SL

Дата: 22.08.06, @18:43

  Мелкомяхкий предложил разработчикам Firefox помощь в обеспечении работы их продукта под Вистой:

Microsoft is not a company renowned for helping serious competitors. However, the head of the software company's open source software lab, Sam Ramji, has said publicly in an online blog that he will help the open source Firefox browser and Thunderbird email client teams to get their products running on Windows Vista.

In fact, Ramji has said that, as an advocate for open source, he has actually set aside office space space and make Microsoft engineers available to the Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird teams should they decide to take up the offer.

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