Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Sergio

Дата: 09.10.00, @12:15

  `Die Hard squared
`Oops, correction alert. Last Friday we posted some info on the upcoming Fox special edition of William Friedkin's Oscar-winning special edition The French Connection. Unfortunately, we cross our wires and got its arrival date mixed up with the upcoming batch of Fox DTS titles due on 12/26. Sorry for the confusion..the French Connection disc will be out in early 2001, with the brief features mentioned (commentary, deleted scenes, DTS, etc.).We apologize for the error, and expect (finally) the full details for those Fox December DTS titles soon. There's been so many discussions on just what titles will be in that Fox batch due on 12/26, that it will be good to finally get the full specs on them. Watch for that soon!
`Also, we've received a bit of information on the upcoming Die Hard special edition due early next year as well. look for a very cool 2-disc set, with a anamorphic transfer, DTS and Dolby Digital mixes, audio commentary with Director McTiernan and other participants, a still gallery, a full-length production info subtitle track (think the Ghostbusters or Frequency discs) and more to be announced. Looks to be a great set, though there will not be a Die Hard 2 or 3 released concurrently...just the first movie. Watch for more details in the coming months.

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