Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Маккартни по настоянию супруги бросил курить:) (англ. фнутри)

Автор: SL

Дата: 26.01.06, @01:03

  Wife tells Sir Paul McCartney: No more pot


SIR Paul McCartney had to fulfil one important condition before Heather Mills agreed to marry him, she revealed yesterday.

He had to agree to stop smoking cannabis. Heather Mills McCartney, as she now calls herself, said her husband would use the drug as regularly as others drink cups of tea.

"Him and (his first wife) Linda smoked it every day for the whole of their lives together," she said of a relationship that lasted more than 30 years. "But I would not get married to him if he was taking drugs. I hate it. I could not have him lying to our child (they have a daughter, Beatrice, two) about not taking drugs and then going out for a sneaky puff." Despite his habit, it appears Sir Paul had little difficulty giving up smoking dope following his fiancee's ultimatum. "He says he had a good incentive," she said when asked if he had found it hard to stop. - Daily Mail

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