Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

(+++) откуда тут кризыис?????

Автор: Spear
Дата: 11.01.06, @13:54

  The American economy continues to surge ahead, though you won't read much about it in mainstream media.
Economic growth in the third quarter was 4.1 percent--despite Hurricane Katrina!--the 10th consecutive quarter with growth over 3 percent.
Unemployment is 5.0 percent--lower than the average for the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s.
Since April 2003 the economy has created a net 5.1 million new jobs.
Core inflation is only 2.1 percent, and gas prices, which surged above $3 a gallon after Katrina, are now down around $2.
Productivity growth for the five-year period of 2000-2005 is 3.4 percent, the highest of any five-year period in 50 years.


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