Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Банально. Увезли на платформе и все списали на гремлинов :-)) (+)

Автор: victor
<victor зольбак mebius кропка net>

Дата: 13.12.05, @06:00

  Finally, around dinnertime, a sympathetic local dealership sent its own tow truck over,
which put a dolly under the Touareg and rolled it onto a flat bed. If we had just spent
$45 Big Ones on this vehicle, we would have been steamed.

The dealer found nothing wrong, except for a dead battery. But no one had any
explanation for why the battery had drained itself overnight. It seems to us that there
may be electrical gremlins in Volkswagens these days, and because of stuff like this, we
have a hard time recommending them, despite their excellent driving dynamics.

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