Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Король умер, да здравствует король! Гудбай HDTV, встречайте Super Hi-Vision (+)

Автор: Андрей Рижский
Дата: 07.11.05, @10:34

  ' Japan demonstrates next-gen TV broadcast
' Yoshiko Hara
' EE Times
' (11/03/2005 3:16 PM EST)
' TOKYO — Aiming at next-generation broadcasting, Japan Broadcast Corporation
' (NHK) has demonstrated a live relay of a 4x x 8k resolution Super Hi-Vision program
' connecting a 260-km distance by a fiberoptic network.
' NHK's next-generation broadcasting system can convey the sensation of reality
' to viewers. Super Hi-Vision is the provisional format for that purpose, achieving
' 7680 x 4320 pixels.
' It already demonstrated the images of Super Hi-Vision at the 2005 World Exposition,
' Aichi, Japan, held from March to September in Aichi this year using a preliminary
' prepared video footage.
' NHK developed a Super Hi-Vision camera equipped with 8 megapixel CCD image
' sensors that can take 4k x 8k images. In the field test, it sent the two cameras to
' a sea park and sent baseband signals without image compression using an fiberoptic
' network formed by multiple network companies.
' The signal of the total 24 gigabits per second was divided into 161.5 Gbps HD-SDI
' signals to sent using the DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplex) method.
' "Super Hi-Vision has huge information and was difficult to transmit. Using 16 waves
' on optic fiber, we succeeded a live relay over a long distance. This means that
' Super Hi-Vision proved the possibility of being a future TV broadcasting technology,"
' said Mikio Maeda, senior research engineer of the laboratory.
' http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=173402762

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