Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Билли: защитник прав потребителей:) (англ. фнутри)

Автор: SL

Дата: 19.10.05, @18:26

  As you know, Microsoft has backed HD DVD, citing among other things HD DVD's requirement of mandatory managed copy support. I covered those claims and more at length.

Gates: Well, the key issue here is that the protection scheme under Blu-ray is very anti-consumer and there's not much visibility of that. The inconvenience is that the studios got too much protection at the expense consumers and it won't work well on PCs. You won't be able to play movies and do software in a flexible way.

It's not the physical format that we have the issue with, it's that the protection scheme on Blu is very anti-consumer. If [the Blu-ray group] would fix that one thing, you know, that'd be fine.

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