Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

у европейской Sony Ps2 DVD будет аппаратное(+)

Автор: WW
Дата: 15.09.00, @21:27


The first version of the PS2, built for the Japanese market, was equipped with a software DVD decoder. Not surprisingly the console was quickly criticised for its inferior DVD playback when compared with dedicated units. Japanese consumer electronics manufacturers usually supply their domestic market with inferior kit, according to our sources close to the CE industry They reason that Japanese consumers change their equipment so frequently, they'll never notice wobbly CD trays and the like. Instead, the better quality machines are reserved for the less upgrade-happy US and European markets.

So while Japanese punters might not mind the PS2's less-than-perfect software-based DVD playback, Stateside buyers will not be impressed. Hence the decision to implement DVD playback in hardware. And hence the need for shedloads of LSI chips.

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