Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А на imdb еще одна версия :-) [+]

Автор: Alexx

Дата: 07.02.05, @08:38

  Sigourney Weaver made the behind-the-back half-court basketball shot successfully after a day of practice, but after only a few takes. Ron Perlman was completely stunned (and thoroughly impressed), and turned directly at the camera and started swearing. The editors looked at the shot and decided that there was "enough room to get the scissors in". Weaver managed to make the shot again, though it seems in the movie to be an editing trick because of the way the ball disappears off-screen for a split second before going into the basket. Weaver was excited about making the shot, but the director was concerned that audiences would believe the shot to be faked due to the ball leaving the frame.

Т.е., как я понял, она сделала это дважды, и в фильме использован второй вариант (я только немного не понял про "enough room to get the scissors in" - что имелось в виду?). Так что, судя по всему, это все-таки не спецэффект.

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