Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Эк его... металлистов прямо на сцене убивают:((

Автор: SL

Дата: 09.12.04, @12:51

  Это те кадры, к-рые в группе Pantera были... то ли одного застрелили, то ли обоих - из сообщения непонятно

COLUMBUS, Ohio (CNN) -- A gunman opened fire Wednesday night during a heavy metal concert in Columbus, killing four people -- including at least one member of the band -- and critically wounding at least two others before a police officer shot and killed him, according to Columbus police.

The attacker leapt onstage as the group, Damageplan, performed, and began "targeting members in the band," Sgt. Brent Mull said.

Two others were injured in the incident, although the nature of their injuries was not clear.

According to eyewitness accounts, the gunman initially shot the band's guitarist, Dimebag Darrell.

Darrell, 38, and his brother, Vinnie Paul, 40, formed Damageplan after Pantera -- a group they formed in the 1980s -- broke up last year.

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