Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Кое-что о Горце

Автор: BFG
Дата: 31.08.00, @11:27

  Complete Director's Cut is available on video in the US,
featuring all footage from the European version and still photos
from unused footage at the end. This includes scenes of a fight
between the Kurgan and an unreferenced Immortal, Yung Dol
Kim, a security guard in an office building who fights the Kurgan.
Ultimately, he surrenders wearying of Immortal life and willing
to suicide himself. The Kurgan takes his head and the body
explodes out of the 40th story of the building. Kim fights
Japanese two-sword style. Additional unused footage features a
flashback where Connor meets with Thomas Jefferson, as well
as a bar scene when Connor and Kastagir go out for a drink, and
meet Det. Walter Bedsoe.

The cover states some incorrect information: There are no close
captions on the DVD and the aspect ratio is 1.85 : 1 (correctly as in
the theatres), not 2.35 : 1.

Ну это понятно, а вот о продолжительности - инфа идет о 116 мин (реж. вариант - против 111 мин. театральной версии) - и 141 минуте (!!! - это и есть лонг вариант, что ли??)
Кто видел - какая там версия - диск р1-то один...

Блин, а на качество все ругаются....

The picture quality of this DVD is very bad. This is probably one of
the worst DVDs ever released. During the whole movie the picture
is very grainy with lots of digital noise. Annoying compression
artifacts are visible in nearly any scene. This DVD does certainly not
deserve the THX certification.

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