Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Не, ну реально - нах он нужен, этот ящик, без ДТСа - хоть и с бюстом? ;)))(-)

Автор: Yuricon

Дата: 20.08.04, @15:08

  ' Neo is back. But the question is, will anyone care? Following the diminishing returns of the two Matrix sequels, Warner Home Video will unleash no less than a ten-disc The Ultimate Matrix Collection R1 on December 7th, featuring all three flicks in one gargantuan box set.
' So, what's inside? In additional to brand-new remastered 2.40:1 anamorphic widescreen transfers and Dolby 5.1 surround tracks, supplements include (are you ready?): introduction by the Wachowski Brothers, two audio commentaries on the first film by "The Philosophers" Dr. Cornel West and Ken Wilber, and "The Critics" Todd McCarthy, John Powers and David Thomson, plus two more commentaries apiece on both Reloaded and Revolutions; no less than 71 one new featurettes (21 on the first flick, 29 on the second, and 21 on the third!), 23 additional scenes filmed for "Enter the Matrix" video game, the "Roots of the Matrix," "Re: Action - A Brief History of Action in Cinema," "Return To Source - Philosophy & The Matrix" and "The Hard Problem - The Science Behind the Fiction" documentaries, something called "The Burly Man Chronicles," multiple still galleries inside the massive "The Zion Archive" (including conceptual artwork, storyboards, drawings and more), plus music videos, theatrical trailers and TV spots, plus plenty of ROM exclusives to be announced. Retail for this behemoth will be $79.95, and there will also be a Limited Edition Set featuring a Neo mini-bust figurine and 80-page collector's book for $129.95. Sounds like a great stocking stuffer.

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