Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

о нашел похожее.. (+)

Автор: OSHO

Дата: 15.06.04, @13:46

  At our store, we had a Pioneer 5030 (last years model) that we were trying to get rid of. Being that it was an old model we only had the display to sell so we moved it to the front of the store and hooked a dvd player up to it. For at least 4 days, 9 hours per day it was frozen on one screen. In big white block letters it said "ALAN CUMMINGS". I'm sure it was frozen like that more, but I was only there 4 of the 7 days before it sold. The cheap dvd player would freeze before the movie even started playing and no one notice or cared enough to change the screen. Anyways, at the end of each day when it was time to turn it off I would switch it to a different input to see if there was any burn in. I never saw even the slightest hint of "ALAN CUMMINGS" anywhere on any screen

интересно это правда ? =))

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