Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А тебе на страницу 19 Пыдыэфа(+)

Автор: zippo999

Дата: 11.05.04, @12:41

  Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Format Interface and Timing
The PCM1792 supports the DSD-format interface operation, which includes out-of-band noise filtering using an
internal analog FIR filter. For DSD operation, SCK (pin 7) is redefined as BCK, DATA (pin 5) as DATAL (left channel
audio data), and LRCK (pin 4) as DATAR (right channel audio data). BCK (pin 6) must be forced low in the DSD mode.
The DSD-format interface is activated by setting the DSD bit of control register 20.
Detailed information for the DSD mode is provided in the APPLICATION FOR DSD-FORMAT (DSD MODE)
INTERFACE section of this data sheet.


Если Ямаха не захотела реализовать возможность PCM 1792 работать
с DSD то при чем тут "Урезанные" гравицапы то.ЭТО ПРОБЛЕМА ЯМАХИ.
Т.е. топологии этого гроба.!

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