Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Нашел! (+)

Автор: Idol

Дата: 05.03.04, @13:31

  Вот какой-нибудь из первых двух мне и нужен!

England press - EMC 3330 - With poster
England press - EMC 3330
England press - FA 4131211 - Released in May 1985 on "Fame" label
Germany press - 0381575481
Germany press - 1C 064-07268
Germany press - FA 4131211 - Released on "Fame" label
Holland press - 1A 062-07269
Spain press - EMI 10C 064-007269
Spain press - 0561072691 - Released in 1985 on "Fame" label
Yugoslavia press
Italy press - EMI 3C 064-07269
Canada press - EMI/Harvest ST 12094 - Inc: "Sanctuary"
U.S.A. press - EMI/Harvest ST 12094 - Inc: "Sanctuary"
Japan press - EMS 81327 - With insert
Russia press - 2100951311 - Released on "Fame" label
Argentina press - EMI 8203
Brazil press - EMI/Odeon 31C 064-07269
Sweden press - EMI 7C 062-07269 - Brown label
Sweden press - EMI 7C 062-07269 - Yellow label
Australia press - EMC 3330
New Zealand press - EMC 3330
France press - EMI 2C 068-07269
Czech Republic press - 210095-1311 - Black vinyl
Czech Republic press - 210095-1311 - Released on green vinyl in 1991
Portugal press - EMI 1-072691
Greece press - EMI 14C 062-07269
Mexico press - EMI/Capitol SLEM 110369
Peru press - EMI BE 02 0012

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