Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

выходит на DVD презабавный фильм Bubba Ho-Tep с Брюсом Кэмпбэллом(+)

Автор: Oleg Antonov
Дата: 03.03.04, @14:07

  The Shady Rest retirement home in Mud Creek, Texas is about to get "all shook up" when Elvis Presley returns in Bubba Ho-Tep, last year's instant cult classic from director Don Coscarelli (Phantasm). In the film The Onion hailed as "Winning! Satisfying! Wacky!", Bruce Campbell stars as an aging and cantankerous Elvis who swings his feeble hips while combating a blood-sucking mummy intent on taking over the world. (Er, something like that.) MGM Home Entertainment will give the film a lavish special edition on May 25th, complete with anamorphic widescreen transfer, Dolby Digital 5.1 surround track, two audio commentaries with Coscarelli and Campbell and a second with The King himself, the "Making-Of," "To Make a Mummy," "To Score a King" and "Fit For a King" featurettes, an animated still gallery, original Bubba Ho-Tep short story reading by Joe R. Lansdale, the original theatrical trailer and an easter egg. Retail will be $27.95.

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