Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

dlia Sanyo Z2

Автор: rt
Дата: 25.02.04, @14:38

  dlia nec mozno probovat bez rezistora

Scart ------------------> D15
15 (R) -----------------> 01 (R)
13 (R gnd) -------------> 06
11 (G) -----------------> 02 (G)
09 (G gnd) -------------> 07
07 (B) -----------------> 03 (B)
05 (B gnd) -------------> 08
19 (vid out) -----------> 13 (H-sync) | Z 2k2 ohm | 17 (vid gnd) -----------> 05 H-sync gnd)

The level of the signal is too high on exit PERITEL, disturbing the signal of synchronization.
It is thus necessary to intercalate a resistance of 2.2 Kohm between contacts 19 and 17 of connector SCART (PERITEL).

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