Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг


Автор: Ingvar
Дата: 21.12.03, @12:54

Особенно мне понравилось:

Terminator2 WMV9 version is accesible only to Canadians/Americans. Every five days, you must obtain a license via the internet (M$ traces your IP).

Some people have had limited success with public proxy servers (MS has blacklisted some proxies). So it may or may not work.

Obviously, the challenge is finding the "right" Canadian/American proxy server every five days.

It looks like the most "extreme" aspect of the new T2 dvd is the copy protection and license activation

Натуральные уроды. Найдем же чем обломать.

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