Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Я так понял, что обзор Квадрилогии от ДВДФАЙЛА будет на днях! :)(+)

Автор: forest™

Дата: 05.11.03, @13:30

  More 'ALIEN' - 11:09am

Just can't get enough of that ALIEN Quadrilogy announcement yesterday? And what if you hate ALIEN 3 and ALIEN Resurrection? Fox Home Entertainment has also announced that on January 3rd, they will release each of the four films in the box set separately as two-disc special editions, each with the same extras, with a retail price of $26.96 a pop. The bonus 9th Quadrilogy disc, however, will only be available in box set. Also, we've received our review copy of the Quadrilogy, so watch for a full review of this mammoth set in the days ahead...


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