Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Indiana Jones R2 - Cuts - 1:06 to Temple Of Doom

Автор: Мимо проходил
Дата: 01.11.03, @17:32

  ' А чего оттяпали-то?

Было уже на этом форуме.

Еhe BBFC made even MORE cuts to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! It seems that along with the 'Heart Ripping' scene, there will be three more scenes edited for censorship for the DVD release:

The scene where Short Round is whipped

The scene in which Indy is forced to drink the blood of the Kali Ma

And a portion of the scene where Willie Scott is lowered into the lava pit.

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