Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

о, амеры проснулись :) (+)

Автор: John Smith
Дата: 16.10.03, @09:04


After sitting on it for a couple of years Buena Vista Home Entertainment have finally announced the Region 1 DVD release of Mamoru Oshii's live action sci-fi tale Avalon that will arrive on 16th December 2003 with a retail price of $29.99. Presented as it should be in the films original language (Polish) the disc will also offer some bonus features, the full specs are:
1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
Polish, English and French DD5.1 Surround
English and French subtitles
The Special Effects of “Avalon” Featurette (with optional French and English subtitles)
Interview with Director Mamoru Oshii (with optional French and English subtitles)

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