Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

PULSE DVD - 4.11.2003

Автор: Вован
Дата: 15.09.03, @12:33

  PULSE DVD DATE!: Here's the news that many of you have been eagerly awaiting: the release date of the PULSE DVD! With a double-G sound production (Gilmour and Guthrie!) the DVD has been in production for some time, but the good news is that (in Europe at least) you only have to wait for the 4th November to get your hands on it. We are currently trying to get worldwide dates, and as soon as these, and details of the complete package, are available, we'll let you know!
-- Posted 14 September 2003 © Brain Damage --

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