Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

народ хочет T2 HD (опять BFG) (+)

Автор: Oleg Antonov
Дата: 05.06.03, @15:09

  Англицкий народ -и - что характерно - находит выходы

Hey Guys.

I had the same dissapointment when I got home tonight and tried T2 in my PC but thanks to cybersoga for the info and several hours fooking around I have got it working It is indeed down to reverse DNS lookup and the use of a US proxy server does the trick. After trying a whole bunch of addressed from some 'public Proxy Server' web site I found one that worked and allowed me to download the licence. I think I am OK posting this info...

Just set up the Proxy Setting in Internet Explorer with the following and get that license

Server: exodus.broward.cc.fl.us
Port: 80

That's it, enjoy.

btw, it looks great...

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