Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Ревью на Матрицу - WOW! ;)

Автор: BFG
Дата: 16.05.03, @15:48

  Reloaded was great -- people are missing a HUGE part of the story!!!

I've been waiting for this day for 4 long years, but I've been reading mixed reviews ever since the movie premiered...I was kind of disappointed whilst I read them, but once I saw it for myself yesterday night AND tonight, I finally realized that, for lack of better words, one simple fact: "The Matrix" just plain [bleep]ing ROCKS!!!

This installment deals with the actual Matrix itself. The first movie introduced us to the difference between the "dream" world and the real world, going through the time when Neo finally discovered that he was the One. This one actually takes us inside the workings of the Matrix, the nuts and bolts with tons of new characters to meet. A totally different concept than the first movie, which barely cracked the surface. I have to admit, the scenes at Zion and with the Council were pretty cliche, but nonetheless helped the story along. Romance, sci-fi action (including the perfect dose of martial arts), philosophical conundrums, and top-notch special effects (here's an analogy: Nintendo 8-bit is to PS2 as "Episode II" is to "The Matrix Reloaded") are all amalgamated into one giant plot -- YES, contrary to popular belief, THERE IS A PLOT!!!


Did the people who are giving this bad reviews totally miss the Architect scene? The MAJOR turning point in the plot comes from the explanation given by the Architect -- this is the sole reason why I saw the movie twice. I felt the need to absorb all of that information given in those vital 10-15 minutes. It's quite hard to understand, but the general gist is that Neo, given that he is the 6th "One" in the 6th Matrix created by the Architect, and every "One" had one major flaw that upset the balance of the Matrix -- the power of choice. Neo chose the door back to the Matrix because he loved Trinity. The other 5 "Ones" chose the door to the salvation of Zion because they didn't have any reason to go back to the Matrix, yet something went wrong that Zion was destroyed anyway. The reason that Neo felt something "different" is because he did something different than the other 5 that preceded him. I could go on, but I won't, but even if I am misinterpreting this or not, at any rate, no amount of words can describe the geniuses that are the Wachowskis.


Case in point, ignore the bad reviews, because the die-hard fans like myself are sure to enjoy this movie. There is so much to offer, you just need to look deeper into the story in this movie than you normally would. You have to look at it as a genuine continuation of a story, and not just a bunch of special effects and kung-fu slapped together in a story. Nevertheless, I can't wait to see "Revolutions" in November...long live THE MATRIX!!!

BTW, the Twins kick major arse. 9.5/10

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