Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Источник (+) - это рекорд по Wednesday

Автор: BFG
Дата: 16.05.03, @10:22


Fasten your seat belts -- "Matrix" mania has officially begun, and it looks to be quite a ride. Warner Bros. Pictures' "The Matrix Reloaded" hit the ground running at theaters in North America on Wednesday night and is on track to tap the largest preview gross in boxoffice history. While exact boxoffice figures were not available for the Wednesday-evening previews, which began at 10 p.m. in about 2,750 theaters, industry sources noted that the total should be more than three times the previous high for previews that started at that time -- or at least $9.3 million. Universal's original "Jurassic Park" was the holder of that record as it opened in 1,412 theaters on a Thursday evening at 10 and grossed $3.1 million from those previews in 1993. While ticket prices have increased since 1993, they haven't tripled. The preview grosses for "Matrix Reloaded" are tracking so strongly that, measured in estimated admissions based on average ticket prices, "Jurassic Park" had 748,431 admissions, compared with 1.5 million for "Matrix Reloaded." (Brian Fuson)

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