Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Мда :) Okey Dokey

Автор: Филипп

Дата: 05.07.00, @16:04

`имхо - лучший ресурс по Турменту
`обязательно зайди сюда
` Aegis of Torment
` Special:
` +3 to Constitution
` +15 to Base Hit Points
` +3 to Armor Class
` Weight: 0
`а это остается от "Монстра из коробки" в конце игры
` Celestial Host
` Range: 100 feet
` Duration: Instant
` Speed: 9
` Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area
` Saving Throw: None
` Weight: 0
` While the various proxies and beings of the Celestial Planes are seen as the
` embodiment of kindness, compassion, and benevolence, their might easily
` rivals those of Baator or the Abyss. Woe to those who underestimate the
` power of the Upper Planes!
` When cast, a group of powerful phantasms are called to help eradicate all
` enemies in a 50 ft. x 50 ft. area, as their combined attacks inflict 40 - 120
` hit points of damage, with no saving throw possible. The phantasms
` represent the some of the most powerful celestial beings from the Upper
` Planes: Astral Deva (Mace of Disruption), Phoenix (Fire Storm), Solar
` Aasimon (Celestial Bow), and a Gold Dragon (Energy Wave).
`а это - от Ангела
`Symbol of Torment
` (Greater Artifact)
` Invokes: "Rune of Torment" Weight: 0
` Usable only by Nameless One
` This strip of flesh holds the symbol of Torment that you have always worn;
` it peeled away from your arm when you realized your true name.
` The symbol no longer rules you, and you may harness its power to bring
` retribution against your enemies. Merely holding it and invoking its power
` will summon all the pain and suffering from your past incarnations upon
` your foes.
`а эта хрень останется от бронзовой сферы, как ее прочтешь; максимальное число повреждений за раз
`Да, еще вспомнил
`около Фарода в домике живет бабуська, попроси ее покопаться в тебе - найдет в кишках колечко+1 и
`не сможет обратно вставить часть кишок... таскай их с собой до Равен - она тебе их заапгрейдит, на руку намотаешь, будет доп. броня

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