Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Ты понимаш, Cергей, какая штука!:))(+)

Автор: forest

Дата: 24.01.03, @14:38

  Заказал себе дисочек за 21$ (думал банк меня кредитанет, а я потом верну).
Но @уя!! Написал им, чтоб сняли заказ, а они вот чаго мне ответили:

Dear Customer, Internet credit card fraud is a growing concern for both consumers and web-based retailers. In an attempt to avoid this type of fraud we randomly choose customers out of our client list to confirm orders, addresses and credit card details. This has helped us identify and stop a significant amount of orders from being sent to the perpetrators and having innocent cardholders seeing their credit cards wrongfully charged. In several instances we have been able to bring the wrong doers to justice. As a precautionary measure, our anti fraud department requires that you confirm your order by supplying us with a scanned copy of your credit card (front and back) as well as a copy of a utilities bill or a credit card statement to confirm your name and address. If you do not own or have access to a scanner, you may use a fax, but special attention will need to be taken to have the credit card photocopied in light mode, so that it can be easily read on reception. Once again, this is a routine measure that is applied to protect both you as a consumer as well as our own interests. Pending reception of the above, we remain Sincerely, DVD IMPORT

На хера им это? За Предатора деньгу они заблокировали, тип-топ! Че им еще надо?

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