Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

выдержка из обзора журнала BigScreen на marantz.com (+)

Автор: olegm

Дата: 22.01.03, @14:37

  В кратце, человек был фанатиком CRT< но теперь считает, что VP12S устанавливает новый стандарт для проекторов любой ценовой категории.
Статья называется CRT-убийца.

"Ladies and gentlemen... I write this with grief in my heart, since I’ve allways been a fanatic CRT supporter. This is the unavoidable end for the CRT technology. From this day on there hardly exist any reason for buying a huge, expensive CRT when you can achieve just as good results with a DLP. To view the picture this VP 12 S2 projects is simply amazing........Never before I’ve experienced such grief when parting from a test object..... I simply can’t find the right words for the VP 12 S2’s performance. This is by far the best projector I have ever seen during my career as a reviewer. From this day on the VP 12 is the device that sets our new picture standard. A true reference all cathegories."

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