Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

изи изи

Автор: musha

Дата: 20.01.03, @18:17

  ' Ты FAQ открой, придурок...
' What are you the most proud of in this game?
' We are very proud now of our brand new 3D technology, which pushes 100.000 polygons 30 fps on a PIII 500 with a Geforce 2. The minimum configuration will be TNT 2 and similar cards. This new 3D engine simply puts most other engines to shame- it took us over a year to realize it. It has so many new technologies built in, its hard to list them all. It has even convinced some major video cards manufacturers who want to use the game engine as a benchmark for their latest device ! I am also very proud of the potential of the game.

естественно что 100к нормально. это ж такой же писюк как Х, тока памяти побольше. поэтому и текстуры покрасивее.

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