Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Я могу предложить дельное. На вот (+)

Автор: French
Дата: 17.12.02, @18:44


CD/RW player
The PMD340 is based on the same concept as the PMD331, but incorporates an industrial mechanism. Industrial mechanisms are usually only found in very expensive esoteric CD players and in optical CD lab-analysis systems. The PMD340 is unique in the fact that it offers an industrial mechanism at this price point. An industrial mechanism is built to withstand intensive daily use, with a lot of direct track and disk accesses. Spinning up and down the CD spindle motor, searching for a specific tracks and a specific cue points, playing track by track all day long requires frequent service to conventional mechanisms. An industrial mechanism is specially designed for these purposes, giving you a longer time between service intervals (if needed at all) and in the end lower operation cost per hour. The industrial mechanism includes a brush less spindle motor, an integrated laser-diode preamplifier in the Optical Pickup Unit to reduce interference and distortion on the spot and a high precision OPU drive for more accurate tracking.

Можно найти за 700... Морда, конечно, не хай-фай, но зверь машина. В хай-фае такое будет стоить раза в 3-4 больше...

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