Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Чувак, типа, опсюкался (с) Андис (о Властелине колец 2)

Автор: BFG
Дата: 15.12.02, @16:57

  В США-то уже идетЬ И уже 9,4 на ИМДБ имеет, ждем завтрева, чтобы оценить результаты сборов за уик-енд.

А вот и отзыв (самые приколы в конце):

Yes, fellow Rings fans, I have seen it, the film that millions have been patiently waiting for, the sequel to the 2001 smash hit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, along with top studio executives at New Line Cinema who all cheered for nearly twenty minutes after the film's end!

Unlike my other reviews, I won't spoil my review with spoilers until the majority of fans have seen the final film!

WOW! This is by far the best film of 2002, and as terrific as The Fellowship of the Ring was, The Two Towers tops it by a long shot!

This film, as everyone knows, is the middle chapter to the Lord of the Rings trilogy of films. It has no beginning story, and no end story, but is simply the middle chapter, and like most middle chapters, it's darker, a LOT darker than the first film with a lot more action and detail. (Gimli, in my opinion, steals the show with his humor!) If you are waiting for a long exposition like at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring, it comes half way through!

The special effects, well, let's just say that Gollum is the best looking CGI character to ever hit the big screen and wait until you see Treebeard and the Ents!

The battle of Helm's Deep, involving thousands of Uru-Kai warriors, is one of the most amazing action sequences ever to be put on film!

This film, like the last one, ends on a cliffhanger with all of the characters facing new dangers. And I won't spoil any of it for those looking forward to it!

It looks like once again, Peter Jackson is indeed the Kiwi George Lucas!!

Great action, cinematography, acting, and direction make this by far the BEST film of 2002!

The Two Towers is quite possibly one of the best sequels to ever hit cinemas!

Harry Potter, eat your heart out, The Two Towers will show the world, once again, who is the top fantasy film series!!!

If an 10+ rating were possible I would definitely give The Two Towers one!!!!!!!!!!

Expect, once again, massive box office returns , and several Oscar nominations next year for The Two Towers!


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