Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

О Nec260

Автор: BFG
Дата: 22.10.02, @17:42

  Отзывы юзеров не такие шоколадные, как ожидалось

If you are one of those fortunate few (or many) that are affected by the dreaded rainbow effect, this machine will not fix that. It’s funny how some people can’t see while it flares out at others. My brother does not see it at all; meanwhile it all over the place and at times it drives me nuts. This rainbow effect is even greater on the NEC than on my Boxlight (I’m guessing because it’s just brighter). So, you have been warned. I for the most part can deal with it (key word most), but I think my next project will have to be LCD or LCOS; the NEC is the third projector that I have owned, the first was a Mitsubishi VL200 (LCD, 500 lumens/300:1 contrast ratio), which by the way was nice machine for it’s time. For me, it’s much easier to deal with pixel grid than the rainbow effect (just defocus a tad).

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