Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Кто купил Металлику??? Она на 1 диске? (+)

Автор: Oleg Antonov

Дата: 19.06.00, @14:18

  А то товарищи на www.dvdfile.com пишу

It's time for this new week's new TOP PICK contest, and we have our first music title, METALLICA S&M: LIVE WITH THE SAN FRANCISCO ORCHESTRA. This is a feature-loaded 2-disc set, with Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 soundtracks, multi-angles galore and lots of other cool stuff. While we usually have a review up in time for the TOP PICK contest, I haven't been able to finish it but I have the disc and it is pretty sweet. Check out the box to your right for your chance to enter and win.

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