Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

да что ты (-)

Автор: musha

Дата: 23.07.02, @13:23

  ' направления. Los De Abajo p2002 Ой, как прикольно! Супер! Вот это ЛЕТО!
' слушаю raja ram's stash bag компиляция жесточайшего пси-транса типа "с неба льется кислота". ностальгично.
' Раджа Рама:
' crawling out of the reptilian swamp a million years ago... first birth, living in caves, chewing magic mushrooms, drawing on the walls, sitting round the fire... another million years... discovering electricity... more mushrooms... then came the computers, and music took a turn. Once in while something happens to the earth...jazz arrives...the discovery of DMT... landing on the moon... and the re birth of a new form of electronic dance trance psychedelic music. More mushrooms... more parties... more music... infinite memory... banks of new exciting sounds never heard before on our little blue planet. more people making sounds, more parties, like an olympic torch never going out... the party wheel continues globally nightly... everywhere... And its going to get bigger, because we all realise what a wonderfukl time we are having... what a family... world wide, everyone invited to have fun, to meet and greet and nature old and new relationships, ever growing, universally accepted, were all one giant tribe... looking for eachother and finding ourselves on the dancefloor, pulsating propelled into new dimensions of time and space and sound thru love... what a delight... and we all making it better... more quality, more awareness, more experience, and the willing ness to share what we all posses... Its time to really start... a new waterline... top of the podium, formula one... hot on the grid... spanking new exciting realms from our bubbling imaginations... and like hidden mushrooms spores running under the earths crust... trillions of web latticed underground, ready to explode in a rainbow of colour and sound. Theres plenty for all... lets all help eachother make this great and something also for the children of the future... we stand on the edge of a chasm of chaos and order... lets make the right choices...
' www.tipworld.co.uk

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