Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Так вот что гаду-Бэю не давали сделать :)

Автор: BFG
Дата: 13.06.02, @18:41

  Реж. вариант Перл Харбора (4х дисковый набор 2ого июля выходит, линк на ревью был ниже):

A total of a little over a minute and a half has been added, but it's all quick shots or alternate camera angles.
No new scenes have been incorprated, and I counted perhaps a dozen quick edits to the first 90 minutes or so of the picture.

Once the big battle gets underway, Bay pumps up the blood; we're treated to new, *** gratuitous images of soldiers riddled with bullets, a decapitated soldier, a severed limb, and even a shot of an officer cradling his guts in his hands. ***

Charming. But oddly enough, these "realistic" new additions only serve to underscore how fake and ineffective the rest of the picture is, and that by attempting to craft his own Saving Private Ryan, Bay proves he is no Spielberg...

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