Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Тарантинистые (пере)издания

Автор: SL

Дата: 13.05.02, @11:27

  С ДВД Файла:

Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown, arriving on 8/20.

Both are two-disc sets, feature new anamorphic widescreen transfers and Dolby Digital and DTS tracks. Extras on Pulp Fiction include the "Tarantino Fiction" documentary, 5 deleted scenes with intros by Tarantino, a featurette on the production design, both Michael Moore and Charlie Rose interviewing Tarantino, a still gallery, trailers, TV spots, and the complete screenplay accessible to ROM users. Jackie Brown features an intro by Tarantino, the "How It Went Down" documentary, 6 deleted and alternate scenes with Tarantino intros, the "Chicks with Guns" full-length video, an interview with Tarantino, "Jackie Brown on MTV" excerpts, three still galleries, trailers, TV spots, and the complete script accessible to ROM users. Retail is $29.95 each.

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