Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Бля, убери нах этот Маранц :) (+)

Автор: French
Дата: 27.04.02, @11:02

  Я за тебя переживаю

Звук в комбинации пред+мощник портится ИМЕННО предом, а как пред этот Маранц - никакой. Просто никакой. Он тебе все испортит.

А насчет Ямахи не сумлевайся, достойный аппарат. Хотя, кончено, на вкус и цвет... Но послушать советую. Глядишь, покатит.

Насчет Маранца я серьезно. Меняй его нах.

Вот что hifichoice пишет. Описанные недостатки - это, скорее всего, плохой пред.

Sound Quality

There were mixed feelings from the panel about this amp, but it was clear by the end of the sessions that it lacked consistency and its balance made listening hard work with at least some programme material. A degree of midband haziness and some loss of weight and focus were noted, along with a rather hard quality amounting, according to one, to 'shriekiness' with the Weber piece, in which the clarinet produces a sound particularly rich in high frequency harmonics.

By contrast, one listener felt the bass was lacking in weight and drive, while by other accounts the bass was 'a bit heavy handed' (Prokofiev). The same listener felt orchestral strings were 'very warm', although on second hearing he described the amp as 'messy'.

In separate hands-on testing, the Marantz did indeed sound a bit hard-nosed, with a prominent mid/top and a shallow, listless bass when used with extended bandwidth speakers. However, compact speakers (which tend to be less sensitive than big ones, and so are often prime candidates for amps such as this) performed rather more evenhandedly. Even at its best, though, the Marantz was less comfortable and organic than many, and the epithet 'hard work' seems about right.


The conclusion one is forced into on the evidence of the Marantz amplifiers we've looked at recently is that there is real benefit to be gained from the SE and KI Signature enhancement programmes. Most of them have a certain warmth and grace - unlike the PM-68, which is alarmingly prosaic in performance. Next please...


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