Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Ну не смеши меня (+)


Дата: 16.04.02, @16:48

  Технари у филипса хм хм хм . Они же даже не знали что при помощи RC6 пультов их плеера делаются мультизонными , они инфу от сюда брали

' а один помню журнал недавно писал а всех прелестях оного
' Philips DVD-Q50 - Euro market version doesn't have the FLI2200 chip at all!
' Philips DVD-962SA (SACD) # - Euro market version doesn't have the FLI2200 chip at all! (Asian version can be hacked to PAL prog)
' а в азиатской версии прогрессив включается с палма
' Basic Information
' 1. Q50 (4.15i firmware with P-code P70 before, Region 3 DVD player)
' 2. Palm (I got palm only for the multicode RC-6)
' Step 1.
' 1. Turn on Q50 with no disc inside.
' 2. Press "Play", "1", "5", "9" on your Q50 remote
' 3. The panel on Q50 will show "-----------" (11 hyphen)
' 4. Enter "081000000000" on your Q50 remote
' 5. You will see the first 11 characters on Q50 panel (that's normal)
' 6. Press "Play" button
' 7. Your Q50 should have green color screen for a while then return to no disc screen
' 8. Success for pal p.scan output but return to region-lock machine
' Step 2.
' Follow the method by {http://www.dvd.reviewer.co.uk/info/.../philips750.asp}
' 1. I use my palm m505 with beta Omniremote and the multizone.pdb
' 2. Press the 955 multizone button on Omniremote to Q50 with no disc
' 3. The panel on Q50 will show "-----------" (11 hypen again)
' 4. Press "222222005255" on your Q50 remote.
' 5. Press "Play"
' 6. Q50 panel will show a lock image
' 7. Success, please turn off your player, and turn it on again

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