Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А это Кроненберговские мушки?(-)

Автор: zippo999

Дата: 01.06.00, @15:47

  `Looks like Fox is really going all out this Halloween, adding two FLY double features for 9/5 along with THE OMEN set due the same day as well. Each double feature will be presented on a dual-layer disc and retail for $34.95, with the first containing the original THE FLY and RETURN OF THE FLY, and the second featuring the 1986 Cronenberg remake of THE FLY and the Eric Stoltz starrer THE FLY II. The first two are 2.35:1 while the latter two are 1.85:1, and all are anamorphic. All feature trailers, and the original THE FLY features the 1.0 mono track and a 5.1 remix, while the 80's FLYs are 2.0 surround and includes a making-of featurette.

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