Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Дата: 08.02.02, @13:58

  Вот чего пишет хом синема в резюме панасоника 41, я кстати полностю согласен

So, what about performance? Visually, the RV41 can't be faulted whatsoever. There's an abundance of fine picture detail - but it's the colours that really stand out, especially on good transfers of recent movies. They simply leap out at you with unerring brilliance and there's no obtrusive noise to spoil the fun. We've seen players that are considerably more expensive which aren't this good. It also does a commendable job with difficult dark and moody scenes (most of Se7en, in other words), with few tell-tale artefacts. The 'cinema' picture enhancement was found to have little effect, and so it's probably best turned off. Sonically, the RV41 is competent, although it lacks the finesse and control of higher-end players. As far as the average action movie is concerned it's fine, with a punchy and dynamic delivery. With audio CDs, sound does not even get close to what a budget audiophile player can achieve - the soundstage comes across as muddled.

The RV41 sells on its fantastic visual potential. If you rely on your AV amp for the sonics (provided it's got an optical digital input, of course) you're in for a real treat.

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