Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Дата: 01.02.02, @11:01

  Sony responds on FQ75 problems
Sony has given us its official response to the problems being reported on the KV-32FQ75 TV - and the company suggests that you take the issue up with your dealer. It claims that by far the vast majority of 32FQ75 owners are reporting no problems with their TV, and so lays the problem at the door of faulty samples which should be dealt with at dealer level. The company agrees that the TV should not show bands of interference over AV pictures along the lines reported by some of our readers, and if your TV does this and you can demonstrate it to your dealer's engineers, they should then take the same action they would with any faulty product.

As for the problems still being reported with the Sony NS900 DVD player, I'm awaiting a definitive answer from Sony on the procedure folk with problematic players should follow and will publish it as soon as I get it.

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